There are rumours that recently Karishma Kapoor was seen at a local gathering by a friend. She was there and enjoying the party till she realized that her bra straps are visible to the world. She was wearing jeans and a top over it. But because of the straps there are rumours related to it. They say that she had a nipple poke when she tried to put her strap back inside the top.
And when she did not the nipple poke simply went away. The rumours say that she was double minded about it either to put the bra straps out and let the world see them or to put them back inside the top and let the world see her nipple poke. She did the both for the audiences. There are rumours that many took pictures and made video of her in it.
This picture and video thing has made Karishma Kapoor restless. There are rumours that some of the people at the party who took the pictures and made the video have already uploaded them on their blogs and sites and other social networking websites. She is concerned about it especially when she is married.
Karishma is trying her best as not to get this thing out to the media otherwise she would get in big trouble.
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